At What Age Can I Begin Medical Weight Loss Treatment?

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Obesity is a prominent health concern in the U.S. today. If you have a hard time with consistent diet and exercise programs, medical weight loss is an effective way to lose weight and keep it off long-term. Board-certified family nurse practitioner Katherine Johnson provides the support and guidance needed for patients to find success in their journey.

There is no age limit for medical weight loss, but it is important to speak with a healthcare provider before moving forward. Call Johnson Family Medical to set up an appointment in Frisco, TX, and see how we have helped countless adults achieve their health and fitness goals.

Why is weight loss so difficult?

Many factors contribute to weight gain, and not all of them are within our control. Genes, metabolism, hormones, and lifestyle choices all play a role in how our bodies store and use fat. Some people work hard to lose weight but still struggle due to genetics or slow metabolism.

Other people participate in crash diets in an attempt to lose weight quickly. These methods may work short-term, but they are not sustainable and can actually cause health concerns.

The best way to lose weight and prevent it from returning is with help from a trained medical professional. Our medical weight loss program at Johnson Family Medical can help you make these changes and achieve your ideal weight.

At what age should I start medical weight loss?

Medical weight loss is appropriate for obese or overweight adults between 18 and 65. Our patients in Frisco, TX have a body mass index (BMI) of 27 or more and have weight-related conditions, like diabetes or heart disease. Candidates must undergo a health evaluation with nurse practitioner Katherine Johnson to determine if they are appropriate for the program regardless of age.

Why does medical weight loss work?

There are many reasons our medical weight loss program is so successful. First, we offer a comprehensive approach that addresses all aspects of weight loss, from nutrition to exercise. Johnson Family Medical can develop a plan based on your unique needs and goals. We may even recommend vitamins and supplements, medications, and Peptide Therapy Injections to further your progress in a safe and healthy way.

In addition, our team is proud to provide ongoing support and encouragement throughout your weight loss journey. We understand that obesity is difficult, and we will be there to help you with support and motivation at every step.

How often should I come in for appointments?

A medical weight loss program does require some time commitment on your part. You will need to come in for regular appointments so we can monitor your health and make any necessary changes to your plan. Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and quarterly office visits are available for your convenience. Our staff may also recommend additional visits if we feel it would benefit your progress.

Lose weight with our help

Losing weight is difficult, but you do not have to do it alone. If you are an adult between 18 and 65 years old and struggle with obesity, call Johnson Family Medical in Frisco, TX to set up an appointment with board-certified family nurse practitioner Katherine Johnson. Our program offers a comprehensive approach to weight loss with ongoing support and encouragement.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.